Saturday, October 11, 2008

#16- Wikis Pt. 1

Taking a look at some of the examples given for library wikis, I saw lots of variety. I also imagined what it would be like if OPL had something simular to Printceton Public Library or Bull Run Public Library...two that I really enjoyed looking at.

PPL had book reviews. It think this is an excellent use of a wiki because patrons can comment openly about what books they've read. It creates dialogue and allows library staff to see what kinds of books their patrons are reading and enjoying (and what they aren't).

Bull Run had information about their library programs, Friends booksales, as well as information about the county history. I think having a wiki like this possibly combined with a book review wiki might make for a really cool wiki site for a public library.

The Library Success wiki was also highly useful, providing information about leadership and materials development, as well as customer service...lots of useful info. for library staffers.

One of the most professional and well organized wikis I looked at today was the WikiNorthia site for Melbourne. I liked how everything was sorted out by topics and the look of the site was very clean and easy to navigate.

A wiki for either staff or patrons could be useful in the future at OPL. I would love to see what our patrons feel about what they are reading from our library, and I would like to see information about the library and its functions become accessible through this media.