Saturday, October 11, 2008

#17--Wikis Pt. 2 (SandBox Wiki)

I went over to the SandBox Wiki and put my library blog on the favorite blog page. I saw that some of the blogs were arranged by system...I was wondering if OPL's will get their own spot on the list or if we'll all just be on there wherever.

I found it to be a bit messy overall, which I don't really like. I don't like wading through information all ran together. It's like reading a run-on sentence...tedious and confusing.

When I was looking at some of the music listed in the favorite music wiki or in the movie wiki, I was annoyed that each person's comments were just sort of blobbed together, one after another, without any sort of break in between them. I am not sure if this is like this because each individual poster did not put the breaks after their post or not.

Even so, if there is a moderator of the page they could step in and put some breaks in between or something so that a person can tell where one person's thoughts begin and end.

Other than that though, it can be interesting to see what other library staffers are into. I know that this wiki is just for play so I can understand why it is more lax about style and appearance...I guess I just like reading something less jumbled.